My Heavenly Father Loves Me

My husband’s college roommate played this song on his guitar and I wrote some piano to go with it. I took the music I wrote and made it for just piano and voice. I love that it has a pop sound but still very beautiful. I don’t think that would have happened had I not written it to a guitar part first.

Feel free to change up the voicing however you want. Because it has a pop sound, there are a lot of ways to sing it that sound great! I just kind of wrote out about what I sing.

My Heavenly Father Loves Me

I have tried to contact the copyright owner of this music and have heard no response for more than half a year. If the copyright owner wishes for me to take this down I will. Please contact me and I will do it immediately.

I Pray in Faith

Two girls in my ward wanted to do this song for a musical number in Sacrament Meeting so I arranged this for them to sing. You do have to use the Children’s Songbook with it so have that ready. Instructions are also on my sheet music but here is exactly what to do:

Put Children’s Songbook on piano (or print out the music from here) and lay it out with my sheet music (provided below) like this:

Play the intro in the Children’s Songbook and then the piano part while the children sing the first verse. As soon as you are finished with first verse go to sheet music and play piano part while children sing second verse. Play through first ending then go back to beginning while children sing both parts together and go through second ending.

It’s really not as confusing as it sounds. Luckily I have a recording of the girls singing it so you can listen if you have any questions about what to do.

I Pray in Faith

Aren’t their voices cute?

I Am a Child of God

I arranged this song for my ward’s primary program this year. I tried to make it easy for the primary to follow while making the piano sound just a little fuller. I think this music did the trick. As long as I waved my arms really big to lead the kids into the verses they did great at keeping with the music.

I also like that the arrangement is simple enough to keep with the spirit of the music yet spiffed up enough to make it, what I think would be, a great solo piece too!

I just wanted to add that the copyright owner was very adamant about making sure this free sheet music is only used for home and church use. Thanks!

I Am a Child of God

He Sent His Son

I just got an e-mail from Michael Moody’s son saying his dad, who is on a mission in Africa currently, has granted me permission to publish my arrangement! I love when composers get back to me. I felt like jumping up and down!

Anyways, this is a simple arrangement with violin. The piano is almost exactly how it is in the Children’s Songbook but tweaked a little to accommodate a violin part. My ward performed this arrangement for our Primary program a few years back and it sounded amazing. What song doesn’t when it has some good strings?

FYI, January 2014 song of the month in primary is this one! Now that I’m in a new ward looks like 2014 primary program will have this arrangement featured! Excited? Yes I am!

He Sent His Son (Piano and Violin)

He Sent His Son (Violin only)

Here’s what it sounds like, sort of. Because the keyboard is playing the violin part, it doesn’t sound half as good as it does with a real violin. Someday I’ll get real recordings.

Photo by: Pink Sherbet Photography

Once in Royal David’s City

I wanted to write a song for Christmas and I knew I wanted to write it in 6/8 timing. I loved  Sally DeFord’s arrangement of While Shepherd’s Watched their Flocks by Night and a Children’s song called Our Christmas Story Tree (look down the list), both in 6/8 time. I knew I had to write one too. When I was looking at the songs in the hymn book I saw this song and tried it out with 6/8 timing and it sounded really good. I didn’t know this song very well before I wrote this arrangement. I came to love this song more than ever and am so happy I decided to do it. The lyrics in the last verse are especially powerful to me.

You may also notice I added a verse. Verse 2 in this arrangement are my own words. I think it fits in pretty well. Hopefully you enjoy this song!

Once in Royal David’s City (piano and female voice)

I put this video on here hesitantly because I know my voice is terrible. I just want you to be able to hear how it sounds and hopefully see the potential of the song. When I am rich and famous I will spend money to make real recordings and get an awesome singer. For now, you have to put up with me 🙂

Photo above by Barbara Piancastilli

Lord, I Would Follow Thee

This is a fun story. I wrote about 2/3rds of this arrangement my junior year of high school. I finished it up a few years ago. When I started my website I got in contact with Susan Evans McCloud, the lyricist. We went back and forth e-mailing, trying to get permission from the music writer, K. Newell Dayley, who was on a mission. Sister McCloud was finally able to get a hold of him after months of waiting. Sister McCloud was so helpful and, in a grueling world of trying to contact composers for permissions, I was so appreciative!

I was especially touched by this song when I listened to how it was written. If you have a few minutes, give this a listen to. It is narrated by Sister McCloud herself!

Lord, I Would Follow Thee

Lord, I Would Follow Thee (lower)

Because I had a request, here’s a recording of just the piano: