Beautiful Savior

I will let my Nov 1, 2008 entry from my family blog tell why I arranged this song:

“Here’s an arrangement I did of the song Beautiful Savior. My mom told me last year that my Pop-pop (mom’s dad) got teary eyed when he heard it at one of my sibling’s baptism. I guess he knew that song from when he was younger. Sorry if any of those facts are wrong but that’s what I remember my mom telling me. So, I arranged it for my Pop-pop.”

Beautiful Savior

If You Could Hie to Kolob

I honestly can’t remember if I arranged this song at the end of high school or early college. Probably college. I do love this song and had to pay a little fee to get permission to post it but that was worth it!

With this arrangement I really tried to make the piano sound like the lyrics. After performing this once in church, a guy came up to me and said something like, “I opened the hymn book to read the lyrics when you started playing and the music matched the words.” I was touched to see that he noticed my effort in that area because the lyrics are very powerful. Probably what made this arrangement powerful too. Enjoy:

If You Could Hie to Kolob

Picture above: M51 – the Whirlpool galaxy by Samuel George