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One Little Sheep

Primary Song - Original

I wanted to write a primary song that was good for nursery/junior primary: repetitive lyrics and actions that easily go with the lyrics. This tune and these lyrics came to my head one day. I have always loved the imagery of Jesus as the Good Shephard so it made sense that this is what I came up with 🙂


I love that while the music is simple, the message is inspiring. Making it applicable for senior primary too!


One Little Sheep (pdf)

One Little Sheep


One little sheep is lost.

One little sheep is missing.

Who can find, who can find,

who can find the sheep?


I can search for them.

I can be a true friend.

I can find, I can find,

I can find the sheep.


Jesus shows His love

Searching out the lost one.

Jesus loves, Jesus loves,

Jesus loves His sheep.


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